‘Kiev – Interleges AGM’ by John North
Like all Interleges events, it is good to catch up with colleagues from all over the world – and we chatted to lawyers from Belgium and Luxemboug (Philippe Partners), France (ABCR), Finland(Hedman), Ireland (Reddy Charlton McKnight) and Spain(Legse Abagados) amongst others. Chris Hall, the new partner in our Family Wealth department was delighted to meet up with the various member firms with private client practices from all over Europe and the Middle East including Badri & Salim El Meouchi Law Firm of Beirut and Qatar.
We agreed that we would hold an environmental law conference – focusing on the carbon credit market - to coincide with the AGM next May in Paris. It was also agreed that the 2012 AGM will be hosted in Beirut. We have also established an Arbitration and International Enforcement Work Group which will be led by our members in the United States (Anderson Kill & Olick) and Sweden (Delphi & Co).
On the final evening there was a reception in the Mariyinsky Palace (built originally in 1745 by an Empress) – the official ceremonial residence of the President of Ukraine - where we were entertained by a small string orchestra featuring a leading Ukrainian violinist. It was a marvellous.
I admit that I was pleasantly surprised at Kiev. Having expected a grey former Soviet city that was rebuilt after the war, there is a variety of architecture – including a significant number of beautiful Tsarist era churches and buildings and – boosted no doubt by the festival – a genuinely warm, lively and welcoming atmosphere.
Many thanks to our Kiev member firm for hosting the event - T & O Buyanovskaya.