Have your say: new social care workforce strategy

Skills for Care has announced it is preparing a Social Care Workforce Strategy, which is due to be published in Spring 2024. The Government's repeated failure to create a workforce strategy for the sector has undoubtedly contributed to many of the workforce challenges experienced over recent years, and a strategic and properly funded solution is essential. We are hopeful that this new workforce strategy will be the impetus for change.
We believe that as HR leaders have a critical role to play in informing the future workforce strategy for the sector.
We are therefore delighted to invite you to join us in London on 7 March 2024, to have your say on the new workforce strategy. The event will include:
- Keynote presentation from Jane Brightman, Director of Workforce Strategy at Skills for Care on the new workforce strategy
- Interactive roundtable discussion with other HR leaders on the key requirements for the workforce strategy
- Drinks reception and networking
Following the event, we have agreed with Skills for Care that we will prepare a report on our key findings and present this as stakeholder feedback to the Skills for Care steering group.
This is a limited time opportunity to inform and influence future policy and we would encourage you to join us.
Event details:
To register your interest in this event, please get in touch with James Sage on [email protected].