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Case Study  |  20:03:25
£300,000 settlement for a fourth-degree perineal tear following delivery of a large baby.
Hannah Blackwell and Sophie Angwin-Thornes achieved settlement of £300,000 for a woman who suffered a severe fourth-degree perineal tear during the birth of her second child at University Hospital Coventry, part of University Hospital...
Case Study  |  18:03:25
Over £35,000 for birth injury to mother at Chelmsford hospital.
Simon Elliman secured a £34,650.00 lump sum for a client who suffered injury as a result of the negligent management of her pregnancy and the delivery of her son by the clinicians at Broomfield...
Case Study  |  31:01:25
£150,000 for injuries suffered as a result of failures to treat the infection Streptococcus group A.
Case Study  |  31:01:25
£350,000 for injuries suffered as a result of failures to treat Streptococcus group A.
Case Study  |  31:01:25
Compensation recovered for a client who suffered undiagnosed labial lacerations.
Case Study  |  07:01:25
Six-figure settlement for fourth-degree tear secured for first-time mum.
Hannah Blackwell and Rebecca Callard secured a lump sum payment of £350,000 (RPI Adjusted £421,111 as at September 2024) for a 30-year old (at the date of settlement) mum of two (referred to here as CD) for the physical and emotional damage she sustained in April 2015 during, and following, the birth of her first child.
Opinion  |  21:11:24
Is maternity care improving in the wake of repeated scandals?
Over the last 15 years there have been many maternity investigations, scandals and inquiries highlighting that mothers and babies have been injured due to poor care. The fourth Ockenden maternity review is underway in...
Case Study  |  29:10:24
Over £400k in compensation secured for negligent repair of a fourth degree perineal tear
Rebecca Callard and Hannah Blackwell secured a lump sum payment of £360,000 (plus recoverable benefits) for a 27 year old mum of two for the physical and emotional damage she sustained in during, and following, the birth of her first child.
Opinion  |  05:03:24
What are the symptoms of sepsis after giving birth?
Sepsis is the body’s over-response to an infection by over-fighting the infection and attacking the body’s organs and tissues. It can lead to multiple organ failure if not treated quickly. When a mother gives...
Opinion  |  29:02:24
What is Ogilvie syndrome? Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and more, explained.
Ogilvie is a rare but serious post-surgical complication that can occur after caesarean section. It is a sudden acute dilation of the colon which obstructs the flow of intestinal content and rapidly progresses to...
Opinion  |  19:02:24
Informed consent in childbirth – what you need to know.
Consent is a core principle of any medical care, not least maternity care. Our expert maternal injury solicitors are here to explain your rights to informed consent during childbirth.
Opinion  |  14:02:24
Is a perineal tear serious? What you need to know and when you may have a claim
Perineal tears from childbirth are common. However, they are usually minor with no long term impact to mums. When you’ve experienced a serious perineal tear though, the impact can be life-changing. We’re here to...
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