A scary thought, and one that could become a reality. Or is it something to feel positive about? Ben Lees takes a look at the pros and cons of AI-run hospitals.
Articles by ‘Ben Lees’
In an interesting turn of events, the high street cosmetic store Superdrug has announced that they are going to be offering a new ‘Skin Renew Service’ in some stores. Concerns have been raised about the safety and oversight of such treatments.
As a leaked, and now published, report reveals how a hospital’s internal politics and culture put the lives of patients in jeopardy, Ben Lees highlights the importance of proper oversight and the need for the NHS to learn from its mistakes.
A Penzance grandfather has spoken of his terror after a small serrated dental file fell into his mouth and lodged in his throat during routine root canal surgery.
Following the Supreme Court’s ruling that Employment Tribunal fees are unlawful, a claimant is no longer required to pay Tribunal fees in order to bring a claim.
Cosmetic surgery has been popular with women for a long time, however the topic has generally been a taboo subject among men. But, as more men seek out cosmetic surgery treatments, could this all be about to change?
Is the cosmetic industry as safe as you are led to believe? Ben Lees explores the findings of the report published by the Nuffield Council of Bioethics, and what you need to know about the UK cosmetic surgery industry…
London is a hub of cosmetic procedures and often at the cutting edge of new techniques. But is this growing industry as safe as some might want you to believe?
Basic rights for all workers, clear rules, robust penalties for employers, and new tax laws for the self employed; all are key to a fair and modern work place according to a government commissioned report.
Leading up to the EU referendum, the NHS was used by both sides of the debate to gain political leverage. The certainties of what will come to pass are still unclear, but as the country takes stock, a number of new studies are revealing an alarming truth; that the NHS is heading towards a potentially catastrophic shortfall in nursing.
In 1992, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed that the 3rd of December would be known as the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). This year, it coincides with the UK Disability History Month, which is running from 22 November to 22 December.
In 2015, as many as 1 in 3 London hospital trusts saw patients suffering because of incidents that should never be allowed to happen. These incidents are officially referred to as ‘Never Events’ and are labelled as mistakes that should not occur under any circumstances.