Reputation is incredibly fragile in the digital age. Communication technology has generated a need for the constant production of content. This has placed enormous pressure on journalists to provide a continuous stream of news, in multiple formats. Members of the press must generate more material than ever before, and it has to grab the attention of readers, who have a vast array of information sources available.
Articles by ‘Charlotte Ebbutt’
Most businesses have a clear picture of their assets. For example, the value of property, equipment and stock is integrally linked to a business’s ability to remain profitable and raise finance to grow and expand. However it is not just physical assets that have a value. Businesses also have intangible assets that can add significant value to the balance sheet.
You would be forgiven for feeling that large-scale data breaches are now becoming common. British Airways and the TV Licencing Authority are just some of the more recent organisations to have suffered online security issues which compromise the security of their customers’ financial information.
It is a surprise to many that we have not seen a proliferation of drone based assaults already. Drones potentially offer surprise, lethality and stand-off – all in a relatively straightforward ‘off-the shelf’ available form that can be difficult to trace forensically and which has a limited risk for the “pilot”.
The long running saga of Nestle’s Kit Kat came to a head today, after the European Court of Justice (ECJ) rejected Nestle’s appeal against an earlier ruling in respect of registering the shape of its four-fingered Kit Kat.
Whilst the GDPR and the new Data Protection Act are now in force it is not too late to look at your compliance. If the Information Commissioner’s Office does receive a complaint about your data procedures or a breach occurs you will be in a far better position if you are working towards compliance than you would be if you had not put any measures in place.
New drone legislation is set to be introduced in the UK over the coming months with a view to increasing the safety of drone use. But what do we all need to know about drones and the new frontier they represent for UK businesses? Comment from RWK Goodman drones lawyer and former RAF air traffic controller Philip Banks-Welsh.
There was a good deal of irritation within the business community at the resources required to adequately safeguard their data when the GDPR first came into force. There are however some significant advantages to this new focus on data security: