Contents: What are digital assets? How can your digital assets be passed on? What happens if you don’t have a plan for your digital assets? Practical steps you should take
Articles by ‘Edward Vidnes’
Whilst it is widely accepted that the current Inheritance Tax rules are overly complex and need to be simplified, do the proposals being considered by Labour go too far?
Grieving families are to be hit with increased probate fees as the Government has given the green light to the controversial hike in new fees on the administration of estates. Probate fees are currently…
At the start of November, the Government signalled its intent to revisit the controversial increase to probate court fees, looking to link them with the value of the estate (before Inheritance Tax) as opposed to the flat fee currently charged.
Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) have been in the press recently with headlines telling us that investigations by the Office of the Public Guardian* into actions of Attorneys are on the rise. Understanding an Attorney’s responsibilities, and an education of what they can and can’t do is often the important issue. We look at some of the ways you can make sure you are acting correctly as an Attorney.
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) are due to release their new online Trusts Registration Service imminently. The entire process of registering and updating trust details will go digital this year, replacing the paper 41G (trust) forms, in an effort to crack down on money laundering and tax avoidance as well as to reduce delays and errors through lost paper forms etc.
Edward Vidnes, a solicitor with a special interest in elderly people and incapacity issues, has joined our expanding Private Client team as a Senior Associate from Burningham & Brown, where he worked for over…