
Articles by ‘Katharine Mortimer’

post  |  26:10:20

The question many employers face is how to create a sense of ownership within a workforce. How do you incentivise your workforce and create a culture in which your employees feel as invested in your company as you are? The difficulties are acute when cash flow is as tight as it is for many companies this year and boards are looking particularly carefully at pay rises and bonuses.

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post  |  25:09:20

Yesterday (24 September) the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak (the Chancellor), announced, as part of the Government’s so-called “Winter Economy Plan”, further support for businesses. As the UK goes back into a state of winter lockdown there had been calls from businesses, and their representative bodies, for the Government to extend and provide additional support.

The Government has replied to these calls and we consider these changes and what they mean for your business.

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