
Articles by ‘Malcolm Gregory’

Opinion  |  19:02:21

Energy Minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan this week announced the Government’s plan to set up a Centre for Greening Finance and Investment (CGFI), supported by £10 million of funding from UK Research & Innovation. The intention is for this organisation to have a joint physical presence “research hubs” in London and Leeds.

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post  |  09:02:21

Changes to IR35, commonly known as the off-payroll working rules, are coming from 6 April. Our Employment team explain when IR35 applies, how it affects employers, and what you can do to prepare for the changes.

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post  |  21:01:21

On 31 December 2020, the Brexit implementation period came to an end. Just a few days before it did so, the UK reached a new trade agreement with the EU.

As a consequence, although the ECJ will no longer have jurisdiction to deal with employment law disputes in the UK, there are provisions in the trade agreement which require the UK to maintain a level playing field with the EU and not allow employment rights to be weaker after Brexit.

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post  |  18:01:21

A significant proportion of UK employment law comes from the EU. A number of worker protections, such as rules around discrimination rights, collective consultation obligations and duties to agency workers have been incorporated into UK law.

With the UK now having officially withdrawn from the European Union and no longer being subject to the supremacy of EU Law, a number of news institutions reported last week on supposed government plans to shake-up workers’ rights.

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post  |  11:11:20

The Government has updated its guidance for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS). Most of it remains unchanged but the update does provide some important clarifications about the elements of the scheme which might change in forthcoming months.

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post  |  24:09:20

As the Chancellor sets out the next stage of the economic response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, our Employment & HR experts offer a first look at the measures and what they might mean for employers and employees.

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post  |  15:09:20

There was a wave of activity in the lead up to GDPR becoming law in the UK on 25 May 2018. Employers were frantically data mapping, reviewing their policies and preparing privacy notices. This was followed by a significant increase in data subject access requests from employees who became very aware of their data rights and began using them.

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