
Articles by ‘Malcolm Gregory’

post  |  28:06:19

Since the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018, we have experienced a considerable rise in the number of Subject Access Requests (SAR) made to our employer clients. Requests can be burdensome, time-consuming and costly to deal with but there are some practical ways to minimise these problems.

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post  |  21:06:19

Under section 13(1) of the Employment Rights Act 1996 an employer may not make a deduction from an employee’s wages unless:
• It is required or authorised to be made by a statutory provision or a relevant provision in the employee’s contract, which covers things like tax and NI; or
• the employee has previously consented in writing to the deduction.

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post  |  22:05:19

Law firm RWK Goodman has launched an exciting new legal services product in response to unprecedented demand from HR professionals and business leaders for expert HR and employment law advice at an affordable cost,…

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post  |  30:01:19

On Monday 28 January 2019, the Parliament voted in favour of the proposed immigration bill. This bill is now being considered by a Public Bill Committee which will scrutinise the Bill line by line and is expected to report to the House of Commons by Thursday 7 March 2019.

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post  |  05:11:18

The pub and bar trade rely heavily on young and overseas employees. The British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) say that on average, 17% of the sector’s total workforce are overseas nationals with 14% coming from the EU. In larger metropolitan areas and in kitchen roles that can rise to 80%.

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