
Articles by ‘Paul Daniels’

post  |  11:04:18

The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee has published a series of guidance documents to assist community pharmacy contractors in attaining General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance.

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post  |  27:03:18

More than half of care home places in the UK are comprised by local authority-funded residents. However, due to many factors, not least the negotiating power of local authorities and the squeeze on their finances, it is thought that local authority fees are provided near to or at cost for care home providers. Therefore, in order to make this a viable financial model, some care home providers will charge self-funding clients more than their local authority equivalents, which is known as “cross-subsidisation”.

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post  |  16:01:18

Many dental practices occupy their premises under occupational leases. This can bring many benefits, such as a requirement for less capital outlay than freehold ownership, and the possibility to secure a space in a great location where there are no freehold opportunities available. Leases are also time-limited, but is that a help or a hindrance?

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post  |  18:05:17

As people look to keep travel accommodation costs down by staying in private houses, short term letting site Airbnb has quickly made a significant impact on the hospitality industry. It offers a seemingly easy way to make extra income from your home. However, recent case law demonstrates that homeowners and tenants should think twice before listing their property on the site.

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Opinion  |  29:06:16

It’s widely acknowledged that the coming into force of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 (the Act) on 1 January 1996 significantly changed the law regarding landlord and tenant liability following an assignment of a tenancy.

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