
Articles by ‘Sara Isenberg’

Opinion  |  07:05:21

In February 2021, The New York Times released a documentary, Framing Britney Spears. Now, the BBC have released their own documentary on the subject, The Battle for Britney: Fans, Cash and a Conservatorship.

In a recent Instagram post, Britney herself retorted, “So many documentaries about me this year with other people’s takes on my life… these documentaries are so hypocritical…they criticise the media and then they do the same thing.” Not a fan then.

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post  |  26:03:21

In an ever changing and both hugely sensitive and important area of our work, we look at key employment law issues relating to the Covid-19 vaccination which Deputies and their case managers need now be alert to when managing care teams.

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post  |  26:04:19

After an energetic game of ping pong between the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill was approved by the House of Lords on the 24 April 2019, which means it is now just waiting for Royal Assent before becoming law.

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post  |  12:02:19

You have a new, self-funding resident, lacking in capacity to enter into any residential or service contract – who do you ask to enter into the contract on their behalf? Who is actually legally able to sign on their behalf? Please read on to see what you need to clarify to reduce your risk of a dispute over who is liable to meet a self-funding service users fees.

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post  |  13:06:18

‘I am not sure if they have capacity to make that decision?’ Have you ever thought that about a service user? If you were concerned about a service user’s mental capacity to make a decision do you feel confident about what steps you would need to take? Do you know what components are necessary to make an assessment meaningful?

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post  |  06:10:17

The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman’s review, ‘The Right to Decide: Towards a greater understanding of mental capacity and deprivation of liberty’‘ makes difficult reading. It brings into sharp focus the struggles faced by the industry in meeting its obligations relating to the Mental Capacity Act and in particular in respect of Deprivations of Liberty.

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