
Articles by ‘Sophie Webb’

Opinion  |  20:05:21

If I could sum up how to get the best out of family mediation in one word, that word would be “commitment”. By that I mean commitment in terms of attitude and in terms of the practical hard work that is required for a successful mediation.

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post  |  02:08:19

Princess Haya, former Olympic equestrian and the estranged sixth wife of the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Al Maktoum, has sought protection from the High Court in London this week.

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Opinion  |  06:02:18

Over the next 20 years the number of people aged 65 and over is estimated to increase by nearly 50%, a total of approximately 4.75 million people. This means that increasing numbers of families are having to consider the costs of paying for care at a nursing or residential home, costs which are now exceeding £1,000 on average per week.

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post  |  23:02:17

A family lawyer specialising in childcare cases has joined the Bath headquarters of law firm RWK Goodman after almost a decade working for local authorities. Robert Hearne has joined RWK Goodman’s growing Family team…

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post  |  18:05:16

Now that the RWK Goodman training contract application window is closed for another year, it’s time to turn your attention to the next stage of the process – the assessment centre.

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post  |  23:11:15

If you’re not studying law and considering a career as a solicitor, how does your non-law degree affect your chances of securing a training contract? Read below for tips on how to make the most of the other skills you have to offer.

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