For decades the high street has been at the heart of our way of life. But in recent years it has been struggling as shopping habits change. Government recognises the importance of our high streets and that is why it has introduced the £1bn Future High Streets Fund.
Articles in ‘Retail, Leisure & Hospitality’ Category
Copycat products are relatively common. Supermarkets’ own products often seem to be designed to be mistaken for popular brands; what, if anything, can the owners of the ‘original’ intellectual property, do about it? A recent case looked into copyright in a product that changes appearance with use – a makeup powder.
As the UK high streets continue to feel the heat, the nation’s retailers have called on the Government to take steps to relieve the pressure on the sector and ensure a level playing field with online rivals.
As a commercial tenant, you’re safe – for now. However, the forfeiture moratorium under the Coronavirus Act 2020 is not a rental holiday. Unless you’ve agreed alternative arrangements with your landlord, your rent still falls due under the terms of the lease.
Commercial landlords: our Real Estate team offers guidance on dealing with tenants in these unprecedented times.
In his statement yesterday (23 April), Business Secretary set out measures to protect high street shops and other companies under strain from aggressive rent collection.
The Government has unveiled five new task forces devoted to vulnerable sectors of the economy.
Following the news that Intu is close to administration, Vicky Hernandez from our specialist Retail team looks at what this might mean for commercial landlords in the sector as well as the future of the high street.
Amie Dee, from our Retail & Leisure sector team, reacts to the news that an online sales tax could be introduced by the Government.
It’s the September quarter day and an important day for retailers as, for many, the next quarter’s rent will be due to their landlords. However, as the Government recently extended its moratorium on the recovery of commercial rents until the end of the year landlords may not have high hopes of being paid today.
It was heartening to hear the latest official figures last week which showed that British retail sales have continued to increase for the fifth consecutive month.
Last month [October] it was widely reported in the trade and national press that Reigate High Street Jewellers, Phillip Lloyd Jewellers (“PLJ”) lost its Court case against a disgruntled customer over a lost diamond. PLJ has been ordered to compensate the customer up to £30,000.