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Opinion  |  20:06:24
What is a coroner’s inquest and what should I expect?
Ali Cloak explains what you need to know about a coroner’s inquest. Often the first time a person becomes involved in an inquest is when their family member has died and they are contacted...
News  |  30:04:24
Inquest Hearing to Examine Death of Joseph Lawrence Parker
News  |  25:04:24
Lillian Lucas: Inquest finds neglect contributed to death of NHS inpatient at Cygnet Hospital
News  |  10:04:24
Lillian Lucas: Inquest to open into death of inpatient at Cygnet Hospital
Opinion  |  07:03:24
Charity Spotlight: Coroners’ Courts Support Service
The Coroners’ Courts Support Service (CCSS) is an organisation which provides practical and emotional support to families and other witnesses attending coroners’ courts. They have volunteers on the ground providing invaluable support to over...
Opinion  |  15:01:24
Inquests: Conclusions
Inquest specialist, Ali Cloak, considers the different conclusions which can be reached in an inquest and their implications.
Opinion  |  15:01:24
When should a coroner hold an inquest into a death?
In certain circumstances, a coroner will hold an inquest into the circumstances giving rise to a death. In this blog, Ali Cloak from our Inquests team considers when a coroner ought to open an inquest and what the initial process entails.
Opinion  |  15:01:24
Inquests: what happens after the inquest hearing?
This is the latest blog in our series on inquests, with Ali Cloak considering what happens after the Coroner concludes the inquest investigation.
Opinion  |  21:11:23
How to request medical records for someone who has died
Ali Cloak explains what you might need to know when you are hoping to access the medical records of someone who has died.
MBRRACE UK report brings to life data behind maternal deaths and suggests key actions that could save lives - RWK Goodman - Nov 2023
Opinion  |  07:11:23
MBRRACE UK report brings to life data behind maternal deaths and suggests key actions that could save lives
In October, MBRRACE-UK released a comprehensive report looking at the cause of deaths of women while pregnant and up to a year after being pregnant.
Opinion  |  26:10:23
Independent report demands more must be done to learn lessons from the inquest process
This week, the Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody produced a report looking at how effective the PFD process is and how it can be improved.
Case Study  |  31:08:23
Coroner concludes neglect in relation to pressure sore management which contributed to death of Alan Nippard
Holly Sumbler from our inquest team acts for the family of Alan Nippard who died under the care of Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust. TheCoroner concluded that the failings in care amounted...
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