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Female medical professional explaining a brain injury diagnosis to patient
Opinion  |  01:02:23
The differences between Acquired and Traumatic Brain Injury
Stuart Brazington, a partner in our brain injury team, explains the differences between Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), including causes, symptoms and treatments.
head injury personality change
Opinion  |  20:12:22
7 ‘hidden’ symptoms of a brain injury
The effects of a brain injury on a person can be physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioural. The latter three are essentially hidden from the average person, and therefore less well understood.
Opinion  |  23:11:22
Is cerebral palsy a result of medical malpractice?
Kerstin Scheel explains what causes cerebral palsy and when the condition may be a result of medical negligence.
Doctor indicates brain injury on brain scans
Opinion  |  23:11:22
How to prove a brain injury
Stuart Brazington explains what you need to know about proving brain damage following a traumatic brain injury.
Case Study  |  13:10:22
The need for dynamic interaction between compensation claims and Islamic compliance
Raising a child with a brain injury can be a huge undertaking for any family, but what happens when even getting some much-needed help might compromise a family’s beliefs? With three sons already, Malik...
Opinion  |  28:09:22
What support do people with brain injury need in their early years?
Tracy Norris-Evans explains the support that brain injured individuals may require in their early years.
Case Study  |  28:09:22
Jamie-Lee’s story of brain injury
Stuart Brazington shares a client's story of brain injury following a road traffic accident.
Opinion  |  28:09:22
How the criminal justice system interacts with brain injury, and impacts upon the brain-injured
Stuart Brazington explains the Untold Stories of crime and brain injury.
Opinion  |  28:09:22
How does someone’s gender, or sex, affect their experience of brain injury?
Charlotte Webb explores, and explains, some of the emerging research into how brain injury can occur and impact people differently depending on their gender or sex.
Opinion  |  15:03:22
Find out more about Brain Tumour Awareness Month
Lucy Norton explains what you need to know about Brain Tumour Awareness Month.
Opinion  |  04:10:21
What you need to know about brain tumours
Lucy Norton, a specialist solicitor in the field of acquired brain injury, explains what you need to know when it comes to brain tumours.
Opinion  |  20:05:21
How the experience of stroke inspired a new approach to neuro-rehabilitation
When Ian Pearce’s father had a stroke in 2017, his life was thrown in a completely new direction. Nothing can prepare you for an injury to a loved one, but the aftermath can be equally difficult. For Ian, though, it proved an inspiration to change the way we approach neuro-rehab.
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