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Baby's hand shown being held by a parent
Uncategorised  |  10:06:19
What are the benefits of our Erb’s palsy legal clinic?
Our specialist medical negligence team help you to understand the benefit of our Erb's palsy online legal clinics.
Uncategorised  |  30:01:19
The EQUALS study into Erb’s palsy – investing in better care at birth could cost us less
Two charities, the PROMPT Maternity Foundation and Erb’s Palsy Group UK have worked in partnership to produce a video which presents the primary results of the “EQUALS Study”, looking at how investing in evidence-based training gives positive outcomes for both patients and the NHS. Here, Joachim Stanley from our birth injury team takes a look at how well it reflects what we understand about our clients’ experience of Erb’s palsy.
Uncategorised  |  01:11:18
Erb’s Palsy – How a claim is investigated
Uncategorised  |  23:10:18
How solicitors and midwifery experts work together during an Erb’s palsy claim
Here, Joachim Stanley takes a look at what you need to know about the process of an Erb's palsy claim and how midwifery experts help prove negligence.
Baby's hand shown being held by a parent
Opinion  |  18:10:18
How brain injury occurs with shoulder dystocia, and the effects
Shoulder dystocia occurs when a baby’s shoulders become stuck during birth. If this occurs, oxygen starvation may happen as the baby’s head is delivered and prior to delivery of the body. If prompt action is not taken, there is a chance of the child suffering a brain injury.  That chance will increase the longer they are stuck.
Erb's Palsy Group UK
Opinion  |  26:06:17
What issues can Erb’s Palsy cause in adolescence?
Erb's Palsy is a birth injury with largely physical symptoms, but because the visible injury to the arm may demand focus, it could be hiding subtle injuries which are yet to become apparent. Here we look at the invisible injuries that can follow a diagnosis of Erb’s Palsy
Erb's Palsy Group UK
Uncategorised  |  23:06:17
We need to stop treating maternal injuries as ‘just a part’ of shoulder dystocia
Adjusting to life after a birth injury is a difficult process for any family, and any birth injury is a permanent reminder of a potentially traumatic event. But if we are ever going to confront Erb's Palsy, we need to change the way that we talk about it and some of the complications it can involve.
Opinion  |  10:10:15
Is Erb’s Palsy avoidable?
A baby born in Gloucestershire has recently hit the headlines as he was almost twice the national average in birth weight, delivered naturally at 15lbs 7oz! The baby’s size went undiagnosed during pregnancy and caused significant problems with the delivery, as his shoulders became stuck; a life threatening situation called ‘shoulder dystocia’.
Uncategorised  |  18:11:14
RWK Goodman Insights: Erb’s palsy
Erb’s Palsy, also known as Brachial Plexus Paralysis is a condition which caused by trauma at birth. In our latest RWK Goodman Insights video, see medical negligence partner and Erb’s expert, Paul Rumley, give...