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Opinion  |  29:06:16
Landlord & tenant law – AGAs & GAGAs
It’s widely acknowledged that the coming into force of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 (the Act) on 1 January 1996 significantly changed the law regarding landlord and tenant liability following an assignment of a tenancy.
Opinion  |  13:06:16
Disclaimer: This story is not about the saga of Lady Gaga cooking on an Aga (unfortunately). Authorised guarantee agreements (AGAs) have been featured in a string of court cases dating back to 2005. These have included whether the performance of the AGA can be guaranteed by a guarantor (known as a GAGA) and now whether a lease can be assigned to the tenant’s guarantor.
Opinion  |  22:04:16
Ransom strips: the bank balance burdens brought on by boundary blunders
When buying a property there are a many things to consider; the crime rates in the area, the surveyor’s report, the potential returns of investing in commercial property, the proximity of a river to name just a few. In most cases, issues are resolved during a purchase, the purchaser moves in and lives happily ever after. However, as was the case recently with a professional gambler, a property owner may be shocked to later discover that their humble abode is surrounded by a strip of land they thought was theirs but is, in fact, owned by someone else.
Opinion  |  19:10:15
The pitfalls of residential tenants running a business from home
In recent years we’ve seen a trend of more and more people working from home. But did you know that in the case of rented property, this can change the legal relationship between the landlord and tenant, from a residential tenancy to a business one?
Opinion  |  16:09:14
Are nuisance neighbours driving you crazy?
According to the results of the latest “Which?” survey revealed today, 27% of UK adults have suffered some form of nuisance caused by their neighbours in the last year. The most common problem is noise caused by loud voices, music, pets or building work.
Opinion  |  06:08:14
Property problems – an injunction may resolve your dispute
There are many circumstances where you might look into getting an injunction in a property dispute. For example: a developer building very close to your property may affect your right to light; a neighbour interfering with your right of access or causing noise nuisance, or people trespassing onto your property.
Opinion  |  06:03:13
Planning permission for pony paddocks?
We often have clients wishing to buy small parcel of land from the local farmer to keep ponies or horses in, but they often don’t realise that there may be planning issues. Simply because...