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Opinion  |  22:09:20
How does brain injury affect memory?
Stuart Brazington, specialist in catastrophic injuries, Partner and Head of our Brain Injury team, explains why it’s important to show the issues with memory loss people experience following a brain injury.
Opinion  |  08:09:20
‘Long covid’ and brain injury – the hidden consequences
In December 2019, people started hearing stories of what would eventually be named COVID-19. As we all know, society was not prepared for the devastating effects of this virus, nor of the ensuing pandemic which took the world by surprise. The virus has completely changed the way we go about our daily lives and people are starting to have to rethink what is the ‘new normal’.
Opinion  |  29:07:20
Brain injury training for prison staff is vital, and studies support it
Following Headway’s appointment as the organisation responsible for training prison staff about brain injury, Beth Evans looks at the background studies showing why this programme is so important.
Case Study  |  21:07:20
Over £270k in damages for 62-year-old runner who was hit by a car and sustained a life-changing brain injury
Tracy Norris-Evans and Rosie Hodgetts, from our Personal Injury team, recently secured significant compensation for a man whose life was changed after he was hit by a car in 2014.
Opinion  |  15:06:20
Can everyone dial in? – The challenges and benefits of video conferencing for those living with a brain injury
During lockdown, video calls have become the ‘norm’. What used to be a system to enable meetings across long distances has now become an essential piece of technology to stay social in these strange times.
Opinion  |  21:01:20
Domestic abuse and brain injury – a hidden issue?
Brain injury, the effects of which are often hidden, has recently been found to be a big issue for women who have experienced domestic violence. What are the effects this may have and what can those who have experienced it do about it?
Opinion  |  19:12:19
Is there a link between Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and homelessness?
Josh Craig, a trainee in our Personal Injury team, takes a look at recent research which suggests there may be a causal link between brain injury and homelessness - two issues of great importance to our entire firm.
Opinion  |  04:12:19
RWK Goodman offers helping hand to Headway
Law firm RWK Goodman has made a generous donation to a UK charity set up to help and support people affected by brain injury.
Opinion  |  08:10:19
How assistive technology can help people who have experienced mTBI
Here, Oliver Lewis – an Assistive Technology Consultant from Lewis Support – explains what assistive technology is and how suitable solutions and products are identified. He has also included examples of how assistive technology can support individuals who have experienced a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI).
Opinion  |  04:10:19
Litigation – Experiences and views of parents of children who suffered brain injuries at birth
In the lead up to World CP day on 6 October 2019 we have taken some time to focus on the ‘Making a Contribution’ element of the ‘We Are Here’ campaign and to consider how we, as clinical negligence lawyers, can gain a better understanding of how parents of children with Cerebral Palsy feel about the litigation process. We want to ensure that we are aware of all the things that we can do to make the litigation process less stressful and to offer all the support that we can.
Opinion  |  03:10:19
Having a child with cerebral palsy – a personal perspective
With World Cerebral Palsy Day approaching, Sarah White relays the perspective of a family whose child has cerebral palsy.
head injury personality change
Opinion  |  02:10:19
When is fatigue more than just being tired?
Fatigue amongst those with brain injury is often misunderstood. Here, Laura Jackson explains the difference between feeling tired and having chronic fatigue as a result of brain injury.
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