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Taking the kids abroad?
Opinion  |  20:06:19
Taking the kids abroad? Guidance for separated parents at holiday time
The summer holidays are almost upon us. But these happy times can often cause animosity and conflict between separated or divorced parents; especially if a holiday abroad is on the cards. Here are some of the issues parents should think about.
Domestic abuse victim
Opinion  |  22:03:19
Coercive control: an increasingly common issue in relationship breakdown?
In 2011, Sally Challen was jailed for life for the murder of her husband of 31 years following a hammer attack in their Surrey Home the previous year. A sustained campaign led by her two sons, and supported by a feminist advocacy organisation, Justice for Women, succeeded in getting Sally’s conviction quashed after a panel of three judges ruled it was unsafe in light of new evidence that was not available at the time of her trial. But what does this tell us about how the UK courts treat victims of coercive control?
Opinion  |  29:05:18
Jewish Divorce
Orthodox Jewish Marriage & Divorce
Opinion  |  05:01:17
Who gets what? Non-matrimonial assets in divorce
As a family lawyer specialising in financial resolution issues I’m frequently asked by clients what assets fall into the “pot” to be resolved as part of their divorce. This is a regular area of dispute particularly in long marriages. What if one party owned a property before they first got together? What about the inheritance from Aunty Maud?
Opinion  |  14:11:16
Why choose a civil partnership over marriage?
Theresa may has announced that heterosexual couples in England and Wales will be able to choose to have a civil partnership rather than get married. This announcement follows the Supreme Court unanimously ruling in favour of a heterosexual couple in June of this year who launched their own legal bid to be allowed to have a civil partnership.
Opinion  |  03:02:16
Man handed fine after admitting bigamy
A man has pleaded guilty to bigamy after it emerged that he had never finalised divorce proceedings.