RWK Goodman handles sale of Bathway Service Station to BP

Richard Gorham, associate in the Real Estate team at RWK Goodman
The Real Estate team at RWK Goodman, has helped the owners of a busy service station to sell their site to BP for an undisclosed sum.
RWK Goodman acted for the directors of Flying Visit Limited on the sale of Bathway Service Station which has 27,000 vehicles a day go past it, and is located off the roundabout which connects the A361 and A36, near Bath.
Richard Gorham, an associate in the Real Estate team at RWK Goodman, who was involved in the deal, said: "Flying Visit own and run a number of service stations in the South West and we are very pleased to have helped them with the Bathway sale, having worked with them for a long time and acquired the site for them many years ago. The transaction was a relatively smooth and straightforward one, with planning permission already in place to allow BP to demolish and rebuild the shop, turning it into a 3,000 sq ft convenience store which will include a Wild Bean café. The work is expected to be completed later in the year."
RWK Goodman worked closely with specialist business property adviser, Christie & Co, which was responsible for running a discreet project to find a buyer, manage the competitive bid process and negotiate the deal with BP.
David Morris, associate director in the Retail team at Christie & Co in Bristol, said: "This is another great forecourt in an excellent location that BP will be adding to their growing estate in the South West. The site offers good potential and captures both a transient and local customer base. It is a credit to the Directors of Flying Visit Ltd, that they identified the site’s potential and put in for planning to optimise the store. We wish them all the best for the future."