RUH Will Month 2023 – Supporting the scheme over the years from Withy King to RWK Goodman

Our firm has been part of the Will month scheme for over 5 years, from when we were Withy King and through subsequent changes to our present firm, RWK Goodman.
We are pleased to support the Scheme and it is a great way for our firm and our clients to give support to our local hospital at the same time as dealing with the important matter of having a Will in place.
Will writing solicitors, here to help you
Everybody should have a will, but it is particularly important if you have reached a life milestone. It is the safest way to make sure that your wealth and assets are protected for future generations following your death. With a Will in place you can be confident that your assets will go to the people you intended – without leaving them any unnecessary burdens, worries or unwanted surprises.
The scheme includes updating a current straightforward Will. As experts in Will writing, we can help you check whether your Will still reflects your wishes and lifestyle, and can suggest quick and cost-effective ways to keep it up to date.
If you’ve become wealthier since you wrote your Will, we can help you make sure your additional assets are properly taken into account. We may also be able to make sure your Will is sufficiently tax efficient to save your loved ones an Inheritance Tax burden in the future.
If you already have a Will in place, you need to make sure it’s still in line with current legislation – for example changes in the rules on Inheritance Tax. We recommend reviewing your Will regularly. So if you just need a small update, or need to give it a complete overhaul, we’re here to help.
You can learn more about writing a will and find some answers to FAQs on wills over on our main page here.
Our involvement with RUH will month 2023
We are offering our full service for preparation of a straightforward Will at a reduced amount which is all donated to the charity RUHX with our time given free. It includes a meeting with one of our lawyers specialising in Wills who will then prepare and send out draft Wills for review and approval, followed by a second meeting to sign the Wills according to legal formalities with two witnesses from our team. RUHX suggest a donation of £195 for a single or £295 for a couple.
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"We are honoured to be a part of RUH Will Month once again. This initiative aligns with our core values of serving the community and facilitating responsible estate planning. A will is a vital document that brings clarity and peace of mind, and we are delighted to contribute our legal expertise to assist individuals in securing their legacies."
"Everybody should have a will, but it is particularly important if you have reached a life milestone. It is the safest way to make sure that your wealth and assets are protected for future generations following your death. With a will in place you can be confident that your assets will go to the people you intended – without leaving them any unnecessary burdens, worries or unwanted surprises."