Our approach to building a Team Around the Client
When someone close to you suffers a life-changing injury as a result of negligence, we aim to build a network of specialists around them to support their claim for compensation and their life going forward.
We aim to be your life-long legal partner
Our team is passionate about improving the quality of life of our clients through the management of compensation.

Specialists in our field
We recognise that you require access to experts in managing the injuries you or your loved one has sustained, and to help assess and mitigate the impact on your lives. As we in the Compensation Protection Unit strive to identify and understand you or your loved one’s medical and therapeutic needs we have access to a number of resources, including the expert reports secured during the litigation process, information provided by the treating clinicians and by appointing specialists to examine, assess and treat our clients. We have developed close links with recognised experts who are leaders in their field.
The range of experts involved with clients naturally varies depending on the nature and extent of the injury but may include:
- Neurologists;
- Neuropsychologists;
- Orthopaedic surgeons;
- Paediatricians;
- Physiotherapists;
- Occupational Therapists;
- Speech and Language Therapists;
- Educational experts;
- Architects;
- Construction experts.
The compensation protection team understands the importance of working up a medical and therapeutic regime and is able to draw on the wealth of experience these specialists have to offer to ensure you or your loved one’s needs are met. In working in this way it enables us to ensure our approach is tailored to safeguard your health, and to promote independence and wellbeing.
Financial Experts
Following the settlement of a compensation claim for personal injury it is important for the funds to be used to benefit you or your loved one not just in the short term but also to plan for your medium and long term needs.
In order to do this we work closely with expert independent financial advisors with a wealth of experience in advising on the appropriate investment strategy for compensation funds.
The advisors we work with appreciate that this money is essential to provide for you or your loved one for the remainder of your life: it is not a lottery win or an inheritance. They understand the funds that need to be set aside to ensure you have the care, therapy and equipment you need but also that provision is properly made for the usual everyday expenses of life such as utility bills and holidays.
In providing expert advice our financial advisors will help us work with you and your family to make informed financial decisions by modelling the impact decisions have on your finances long-term. By presenting this data both in person at a Trust or deputyship meeting and in producing comprehensible financial reports, together we are able to monitor spending in the context of sustainability and to forecast when the funds will be exhausted.
It is important to understand that compensation is awarded on the “but for” test ( but for the negligence the client would have accumulated £x capital and income). The award is based on a life expectancy predicted by experts and is expected to be exhausted when you or your loved one take your last breath. It is for this reason that it is inappropriate for the professional trustee or deputy to undertake inheritance tax planning.
These financial experts recognise that investing money is often not something you may have experience of and will always take this on board when making financial recommendations.
What benefits do you receive?
We have access to advisors who can provide us with expert benefits advice and who are able to support you or your loved one in making claims for benefits and, if necessary, through the appeals and tribunal process.
By working with these specialists, the compensation protection team is able to ensue that you or your loved one receives all the financial support you need to enable you or your family member to be closely involved in the financial decision making process.
Pivotal to the success of the Team Around the Client approach is the role of case management, a service which has only existed for the last 20 years or so. The professional interests of case managers is represented by the British Association of Brain Injury Case Managers (BABICM).
Case management is a collaborative process, that assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates the options and services required to meet an individual’s health and wellbeing, education and/or occupational needs, using communication and available resources to promote quality, cost effective and safe outcomes.
The practice of case management developed in the United Kingdom in recognition of gaps in services for those individuals whose needs did not fall conveniently within the boundaries of a single agency or professional group.
Case management is not a profession per se: it draws on the involvement and valuable skills of qualified and regulated professionals such as therapists, nurses or social workers.
Our team works closely with individual case managers and case management companies who have experience in working in a team approach for clients who are the recipients of compensation awards.
A case manager acts as the interface between members of the multi-disciplinary team ensuring co-ordination of goals and therapeutic intervention, recruiting and managing the care team and liaises with the family.
We have long established relationships which benefit our clients, particularly Headway and the Silverlining Charity who regularly meet at our Oxford offices, as well as committing support to many others as through our work in medical negligence. We recognise the importance of signposting clients to the relevant charity, especially to promote socialisation and friendship.
Our team has also helped bring to life charity events and fundraisers that have helped those with serious disabilities directly and through necessary funds. One such example is the Fashion Shows we have held, which have been done in support of the Silverlining Charity and featuring their service users, and led to some very memorable moments.

Team Around the Client Magazine
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Where you can find us
We act for clients across England & Wales, however if you also want to come and see us we have a number of offices: